Every one of us struggles to keep our life organized. The difference is that some of us know what we need to do and follow-through, and some do not. This can be due to several reasons.

The good news is that we can all work towards a simple and easy way to organize our lives, and this blog will show you how to organize your life in one week. Our eleven effective steps will help.

Where do I start organizing my life?

The excellent life organizing dilemma. How do you get your life in order? How do you organize your home? Your finances? Your schedule? Your goals? Your dreams? For most people, organizing is a giant book with a ton of chapters, and they’re constantly flipping through the pages, going from one chapter to another. And while some people have a system that works for them, a lot of people don’t.

But what if you could cut through all of the nonsense and get your life in order? What if you could organize your whole life in one week?

How do you organize your life categories

It’s a fact; we all have a lot of stuff going on in our lives. We have jobs, relationships, children, hobbies – and the list goes on and on. How do you organize all those things into categories? You can use a simple spreadsheet and categorize your life into the following:

  • Work
  • Home
  • Family
  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Finances

Learn how to organize your life in one week

We all want to organize our life, but it is easier said than done. Organizing your life is not just about cleaning your desk or sorting through your closet. It is about reaching that state where you can think clearly and focus on the essential things you should be doing. Organizing your life is about achieving clarity, about making sure that you are not wasting time on things that are not important, about making sure that you are not getting distracted.

We will cover the 11 steps involved in organizing your life in one week.

1. Get enough sleep

Sleeping is not only a way to regenerate your energy, but it is also a great way to keep your mind healthy and refreshed. When you sleep, your brain gets a break from the constant stream of information it receives, and if you get a good night’s rest, your body gets a chance to repair itself.

One of the most common ways to get more done in life is to get more sleep. But often, getting more sleep is easier said than done. Most of us have jobs, kids, or other responsibilities that prevent us from getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep.

If you do not get enough sleep, it can hurt your health and productivity. Therefore, be sure to set the desired time for bed and stick to it so that you are well-rested in the morning.

Be sure to know when putting down your devices and turn off the television. Turn off your phone, put it on the other side of the room, and charge it away from temptation. Then, when you are asleep, you should focus on getting enough sleep without being distracted by social media or computers.

It is essential to go to bed around the same time every night and wake up at the same time. This will ensure that you are well-rested when it comes to work or school in the morning. Have a routine before bedtime. You have to set your alarm and prepare for the process.

2. Have a morning routine

Successful people, especially entrepreneurs, seem to have a lot of things going on at once. But the truth is, they have figured out the art of time management and know-how to prioritize to get things done. So if you want to be successful and productive, you should build a morning ritual.

A morning ritual, also called a morning routine, is a simple daily habit that gets you into a proper frame of mind to tackle the day ahead. If you’re one of those people who struggle to get things done, or you’re tired of not feeling productive, you should start building a morning ritual.

It can be any routine you do in the morning to make you feel more positive and energized. An example of a morning ritual could be waking up at 6:00 am, having a warm shower, sitting down to meditate, eating breakfast, or going out to do your morning run. Morning gratitude affirmations are a great way to start your day.

It’s essential to start your day off with a morning ritual that sets the tone for the rest of your day and week. Stop hitting the snooze button because it’s not worth it in the end.

Writing things down will help you stay organized

3. Write things down

Do you think you can remember everything? You can’t. Humans are poor at remembering things because there’s too much information in the world. The solution to dealing with all this information is to write things down. The more you write something down, the more you will remember. It is that simple.

One of the most effective ways to organize your life is to write things down. There are many different types of things you could write down. For example, you could write down things you need to do, something you have done, or what you want.

It might sound like the most obvious advice ever, but keeping a to-do list can make all the difference in your day. Writing things down allows you to organize your thoughts, prioritize them, and then work on them one by one. Not only does this make you more productive, but it also has the bonus of making you feel better about yourself.

4. Organize your space

When people are constantly surrounded by clutter, it leads to mental chaos. To organize your space and lower the amount of mental clutter you have in your mind, create a schedule for yourself with specific times during which you clean up or put things away.

The first step is organizing your physical space where you feel comfortable and at home by having a place for everything from clothes and shoes, dishes, books, electronics, etc. By organizing your space, you will maximize its usage and improve your life, making it easy to find everything and know where everything is. Switching to a capsule wardrobe is a great way to declutter your home.

Organizing your space is the best way to keep it clean. With that in mind, consider doing dishes as you cook and washing your plates as soon as you finish eating. Avoid “laundry day,” which allows dirty clothes to pile up until they are too odorous for anyone else. Instead of designating a single day of the week to do laundry, try doing it when there are enough garments worth washing on hand so that you can do everything at once.

Organizing your space will make it more efficient. The first step is to declutter, which can be done every 3, 6, or 12 months. Next, you should set up storage containers for any items that you do not use often.

Only keep the things that are most imporantant to help declutter your life

5. Only keep what you need

We all know that keeping our houses clean and tidy is essential to keep stress levels down and productivity up. But how often do we take the time to go through our things and get rid of everything we no longer need?

Many people end up keeping old junk they don’t need, which leads to stress and overcrowding in their homes. Like most people, you probably don’t like to get rid of things, especially things you think you might use again in the future. But the truth is, most of us don’t use most of the things we hold onto.

The key to staying healthy, happy, and organized is not just about organizing what you have but also getting rid of the things you don’t need. More stuff means more clutter. You don’t have to become a minimalist. However, having fewer things also makes you feel better about using everything you own, which leads to a more organized lifestyle.

You can take a quick inventory of your items and then write down how many times you have used each item in the last year. This is a significant first step because it helps visualize how much stuff we have in our homes and what we should keep and get rid of.

6. Plan your entire week

Are you struggling to keep up with the hectic pace of your life? Do you feel like you’re always running out of time to get everything done? Most people aren’t able to balance everything that they need to do daily. The constant need to complete assignments, go to work, and coordinate with your family can make you feel overwhelmed at times.

If you are struggling to complete your tasks on time, then it is time to learn how to schedule your week. It’s time to plan out the entire week and stop leaving things to chance. By designing your whole week, you can make decisions and prioritize throughout the week.

These are some of the things you need to do to organize your week: 

  • First, you need to figure out what activities you want to accomplish. 
  • Second, you need to figure out the time you need to complete these activities. 
  • Third, you need to write out your week-long schedule. 
  • Fourth, you need to follow your plan. 
  • Fifth, you need to revise your schedule every week.

Try it out!

Avoid procrastinating when you want to organize your life

7. Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination is the thief of time, the death of purpose, and the enemy of achievement. It’s one of the most common habits that everyone experiences at one point or another. It is easy to procrastinate, especially if you are dealing with the internet. There is so much information available and so many people vying for your attention, you can lose track of yourself. If you don’t set up some rules to dictate your habits, you will be lost.

Although it doesn’t seem like procrastination is a big problem, the consequences are pretty significant. Procrastination can lead to bigger problems in your life and can even be linked to mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

Most people procrastinate because they don’t know what results they want from their efforts. If you have a clear goal or at least a clear idea of what you want, you can focus on achieving your goal, and it will be easier to stop procrastination. 

Keeping a to-do list can help you not procrastinate. When choosing the tasks to be done today, starting with essential duties is a good idea. You can also use a timer to help you stay focused.

The best way to stop procrastinating is to break into smaller tasks and take the first step. Just to get started is your first step to success. For example, if you want to go for a power walk and procrastinate for days, go outside and walk for five minutes. After five minutes, you will want to walk more.

8. Cut down on shopping

Many of us are slaves to our shopping habits. Whether clothes, makeup, household items, or food, we’re constantly spending money on things we don’t need. It’s gotten to the point that some people are having difficulty keeping up with it all.

The good news is that you can get rid of the habit altogether. It just takes a little self-control. Here are some easy ways to cut down on shopping. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with buying things if you need them, but it’s important to be smart about it and set yourself some limits.

First, try to give yourself a budget. This will help you keep track of your spending and stop the impulse buys costing you so much.

Secondly, start and stick to a shopping list. If you head out to the shops without a list, you’ll probably end up buying more than you need, because, at the time you buy, there are always lots of nice things you can’t resist. Having a shopping list means you only buy the things you need, not the things you think you need. Write everything down: grocery lists, holiday gifts, and home decor. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases and keep track of what is already in your home or office.

When you buy something, give yourself a set time to enjoy having it. After this time, ask yourself whether you’re still enjoying the item and if you’re not, ask yourself whether you’ll want it more in the future. If the answer is no, then it’s probably best to get rid of the item.

A money management app will simplify your life

9. Get a money management app

Have you ever taken a look at your bank account and thought: “Where did all my money go?”. It’s challenging to stay organized and on top of your life when you can’t even keep track of your spending. 

So what can you do to get your finances in check? There’s no doubt; money management apps can help you gain control of your budget. But there’s a lot more to it than just downloading an app. Choosing the right financial app, and getting it to work for you, can take a bit of upfront work. But it’s well worth the effort because these days, financial apps can help you manage every aspect of your money, from paying bills to tracking your spending.

A money management app is a good option for people who need to be alerted about bills on their phones. A few apps are available that send you reminders before your bill is due to not fall through the cracks.

There are plenty of great money management apps available, and many of them are free. The key is finding the right money management app for you.

10. Don’t be afraid to say no

There are many things to do, tasks, duties, responsibilities, chores, homework, projects, work, studies, etc. But, when something comes up, you always seem to have to say “yes.” You are afraid to say no because you are worried about the consequences. If you don’t, someone else will take your place. They won’t need you; They’ll replace you. You’ll be forgotten. You’ll be left out. You’ll be…

No, you won’t! You’ll be fine. You’ll be happy. You won’t be left out. But, if you can’t say no, you’ll end up with life out of control and will ultimately end in failure or disappointment. You end up doing things that you don’t like and wasting your time, energy, and life.

You end up with a life that is not your own but someone else’s. But if you can say no, you’ll be able to build the life you want. When you say no, you can say yes to what you want.

If you’re not saying “no” enough, you’re probably saying “yes” too often. Your time is the only thing you can genuinely control; don’t let it be wasted. Learn to say “no” when you see too much on your plate. It’s okay. You’ll feel less stressed, more in control, and more ready to take on the things you want to take on. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to things that don’t matter. Don’t be scared to say “yes” to things that do.

It is crucial to take time for yourself even if you feel like you don’t need it. Being honest with yourself about your needs and how often you want to spend time on things that will make you happy can help with organization.

11. Delegate responsabilities

One of the best ways to deal with a lot of responsibilities is to delegate them. However, a lot of people having a hard time doing so. Not because they can’t find someone to delegate to, but because they have a hard time finding someone they can trust to take care of their responsibilities.

Delegating responsibilities is not only a great way to lighten your load but is also a great way to empower people and let them know that you trust them.

To have a more organized life, you must delegate tasks and responsibilities to the appropriate people. This includes tasks like cooking, cleaning, and childcare, all of which can be accomplished by different family members if given the proper direction. This will help reduce stress in your daily life.

Delegation is a skill that takes practice and a lot of patience, but the rewards are worth the effort. 

Checklist for organizing your life

There are no magical formulas for creating a checklist for organizing your life. What works for one person may not work for another. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you include all the necessary items:

Decluttering checklists

When it comes to decluttering your home, you have a lot of options. There are the obvious things you can do by yourself, but there are also things you can do with a partner or a professional organizer. As you can see, there are multiple ways to tackle this endeavor, and there’s no “right” way to do it.

If you decide to declutter your home, a decluttering checklist can be an invaluable tool. It can help you stay on track, get the most done in the least time possible, and make sure nothing gets overlooked.

Financial and budget templates

As discussed above, a money management app is a great way to help you with your budget. In addition to apps, there are several other tools you can use to help to keep track of your finances. For example, Excel is an excellent option for calculating your budget and organizing your expenses, and there are a lot of free templates available for you to use.

You could also try the old-fashioned method of keeping track of your expenses by using a hard copy budget journal, which you can find at most office supply stores or online.

Meal planning forms

Meal planning forms are a great way to organize your life. Do you have a busy schedule? Meal planning forms can help you prepare meals in advance, so you don’t have to worry about cooking. Download an app for meal planning to get started or get a printable form to stick on the fridge.

Apps to organize your life

Everyone knows that organization is the key to success, but it’s hard to get things done when you’re busy running around. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can help you get organized. You have to know where to look. From task managers to grocery shopping apps, there are plenty of apps that can help you get your life together. Here are some of the more popular choices for organizing your life.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a free note-taking app for all your devices. It allows you to capture things instantly, organize them however you like, and share them easily. With Google Keep, it’s easy to create reminders, lists, and notes that help you get stuff done. And it’s available on every device that runs Google Chrome.


Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process. Use it for personal task management, project management, team organization, and more.


Todoist is a powerful and easy-to-use task management app that helps you organize your life. Whether you’re planning an event, sharing a shopping list with a loved one, or need to keep track of bills and expenses, the intuitive design makes it simple to add, edit, and complete tasks from anywhere.

Habit List

Habit List brings you a new level of productivity with its simple daily habit tracker. Write down your daily habits, check them off as you do them, and stay motivated to reach your goals!


Pocket makes it easy to discover, save and share content from anywhere. With Pocket, you can save content from the web, apps, or by email to view whenever and wherever.

Summing up on how to organize your life

For a long time, people have been saying that the key to a successful life is organization. Of course, there isn’t a single method that works for everyone, but that doesn’t stop people from organizing their lives like science. One day you’ll hear the benefits of living like a minimalist, and the next day you’ll hear about people who can’t survive without their to-do list. But the truth is, organizing your life is about much more than how much stuff you have and how long your to-do list is.

It’s about finding the method that works for you and sticking to it. It’s about finding a system that lets you know exactly where everything is and what you need to do next. It’s about finding a way to organize your life that enables you to focus on what matters most to you.